Friday, February 26, 2010

Keeping a promise.

The past 13 days have not been easy, we all miss Dayne very much (even the hair). I got Dayne's monthly report as told by CCI. At first glance all I saw was unchecked boxes, thought there was some kind of mistake. I had to put on the reading glasses to find the tiny little comment area. I was assured that Dayne is adjusting to his new digs as he put it, eating well, being monitered on his play yard behavior and would or did go to Petco (not quite sure about that one). I'm sure he's enjoying the snow, hopefully not injesting all of it. Not a whole lot, next report is due on March 31st. I would be biting my nails, that is if I had any.

I have to share that CCI puppy raisers have the biggest hearts, I have been getting tons of support from Marianne and her family, May and Lauren check in with me regularly. They say the first pup is the hardest, that's why you keep raising them for the puppy breath fix. Hopefully Dayne will be able to get into Katrina's office again and send more info. Oh forgot to mention Lisa is his CCI trainer, I actually met her on the 13th. I don't know what impression I made, what with the deer in the headlights look on my face and all. Luckily it's not about me, it's all about Dayne and the other pups. Post more news as soon as I get some.

1 comment:

  1. Just wondering how long the application process takes to become a CCI puppy raiser?
